[Review] Mi Powerbank

home-shell-productOne of the main concerns of mobile users nowadays is the battery life. Unlike before when 3G/4G is not even in existence, battery life now drains really fast. With all the downloadable apps, constant synchronization of data, getting hooked to social networking sites and online games all running simultaneously, you're lucky if your smartphone's battery last for a day. If you're one of those who can't afford to get disconnected to the cyberworld, then a powerbank will surely come in handy.
Xiaomi, or Mi, does not just offer smartphones. They also have phone accessories and one of which is their powerbank. As of date, Mi comes in two sizes, 5200mAh and 10400mAh.
Mi Powerbank Experience
SAM_1496Design. So I got a hold of the Mi Powerbank 10400mAh. At first look, I already loved its sleek design that I find very Mac-ish. Unlike most of the powerbanks made of plastic material that is prone to breakage, Mi used an aluminum material for its body, which makes it’s surface water and corrosion resistant. The casing also has a pressure limit of up to 50kg.
Bigger capacity means bigger casing. With Mi, that’s, kind of, not the case. With dimensions of 90.5 x 77 x21.6mm, Mi appears to be a bit smaller that fits right into your pocket compared to the others. It only has 1 USB slot and 4 led indicators.
SAM_1494Performance. Just right off the box, Mi Powerbank should be fully charged before first use. The initial charging took about 13 hours to complete. I have another powerbank that is 10000mAh and the charging time is almost the same.
Mi powerbank has 4 LED lights indicating that it is working. At first, I thought the unit was defective because all lights are blinking when I charged my phone. Well, apparently, that is how it really works. I just got used to how other powerbanks’ LED indicator works. Anyway, here’s a guide on the LED indicators:
0-25% Blinking Off Off Off
25-50% On Blinking Off Off
50-75% On On Blinking Off
75-96% On On On Blinking
Full On On On On
Abnormal Blinking Blinking Blinking Blinking
Undervoltage Off Off Off Off
0-25% Blinking Off Off Off
25-50% Blinking Blinking Off Off
50-75% Blinking Blinking Blinking Off
75-96% Blinking Blinking Blinking Blinking
Charging my Samsung Galaxy S4 took around 4 hours to complete, which, I find kind of slow. With Mi’s 10400 mAh capacity, it can charge up 2.5 full charges on Mi 3, 4.5 full charges on iPhone 5s and 1.5 full charges on iPad mini. On my Samsung Galaxy S4, it took about 3.5 charges. Not bad compared to my expected 4 full charges.
Conclusion. With it’s capacity at a VERY affordable price, you’ll definitely get your money’s worth! Xiaomi, though, can still improve their powerbank like adding another USB slot for simultaneous charging and faster charging time.
Here are the technical specifications of Mi Powerbank 10400mAh:
Model: NDY-02-AD
Battery Type: Lithium-ion battery
Rated Power Capacity: 10400mAh (37.44Wh)
Operating Temperatures: 0°C - 40°C
Size: 9.5 x 77 x 21.6mm
Output Voltage: DC 5.1V
Input Voltage: DC 5.0V
Output Current: 2100mA (TYP)
Input Current: 2000mA (TYP)

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