I was just browsing through articles and posts online and this one got me curious. I went to SM’s FB fanpage and saw this reminder:
I, then, followed their page to know more about this cause and these are what I’ve gathered:
The following items are accepted:
Scrap Paper and cardboards
Plastic bottles and plastic scraps
Aluminum/Tin cans
Polystyrene and styrofoam (selected venues only)
Old Appliances! Yup, that’s right! One follower posted this as a question and SM Cares confirmed that they do accept these items too
You can bring these items at any SM branch (open parking area) every FIRST Friday and Saturday of the month, from 8AM to 2PM only.
These items will be checked can be exchanged for cash! (Think of a junk shop where you sell your trash)
As I continue my research, I’ve found out that this has been existing for years already. Why is it just now that I’ve learned about this?! Well, I guess it still isn’t too late.
Kudos to those who have already participated in this cause. And to those who haven’t yet, I guess we can now start cleaning up those mess and run to any SM branch near you!
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